Hannah Claire

Born 12/21 @ 1:30am. 7lb 20oz, 20.5 inches, Apgar 8 then 9. I got to hold her on 12/24.

Her original due date was 12/22. On Wed, 12/18, Mom was experiencing itchy palms and feet. This can be nothing, it can also be serious. Ob-gyn wanted to draw blood so I took her there. Afterward, we had lunch at Maple Street Biscuits. Mom had a regular checkup the next day then the bloodwork results came back Friday. The doctor wanted to induce her right away. Flu had ravaged the household, so Dad was not allowed at the delivery. Family who hadn't had flu shots weren't permitted, either. So Mom delivered with her sister and friend. Dad finally got to see his daughter on 12/23 and they all came home on Christmas Eve. Grandma and I cleaned the house on 12/21. In particular, three loads of laundry in 60 lb washers to get all the sheets and comforters done.
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