A Diplomatic Review of "A Boisterous Polemic"

[Updated 5/8/2023, see footnote 3]
[updated 11/15/2024, see footnote 6]

For whom did Christ die? A "5-point" Calvinist will answer, "for the elect only". A "4-point" or "moderate" Calvinist will answer "for everyone, but especially for the elect." "
A Boisterously Reformed Polemic Against Limited Atonement", by Austin C. Brown, looks at the evidence for each answer and comes down on the side of the moderate Calvinist.

For the sake of brevity, I will use "5P" and "4P" to refer to the respective five point and four point positions.

My first observation, which should not be controversial, is that there is a typo in the Kindle version on page 190/191: "This happened to me twice. Once during the examination process
to be become a deacon in the RPCNA and during my examination...". My remaining observations, save the penultimate, will be in areas where I think Brown could present a stronger argument. The next to last observation will be in the way of personal application.


Paternal Grandfather

I have written several times about my paternal grandfather (here, here, here, and here). I came across this picture of him today while cleaning files from my laptop. Click for a bigger version. He is standing in the living room of grandmother's house. It's grandmother's house because my grandfather, while sharing my birthday, died not quite six months after I was born, so I never had the chance to meet him.
