Feeding the Grandkids
06/25/18 05:43 PM
Feeding the kids1.
[1] This post was made, but not posted, in 2018. Now, in 2023, I finally published it, as a reminder of when Liam used to eat.
02/03/18 03:32 PM
During lunch today I was listening to a video featuring Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. Between 16:35 and 16:52 in the video, Peterson remarks:
"Well, it's partly because the problem with … the problem with relativism let's say … let's say that did produce a radical state of equality. Well the problem with that is that there's no "up". And the problem with there being no "up" is there's no hope. And the problem with that is that people actually live on hope."
Dogs, too.
My granddog, Titan, lives by hope. Hope that he will get treats, especially after going for a walk or when I come home. Here he is, live and unrehearsed, when I arrived home from lunch. He greets me at the door to the garage, then stops where we keep his treats in a niche above his food and water bowls. As I go by, he hopes that he'll get a bit of the waffles my wife made this morning.
I can't ever disappoint my dog.
W. R. Felts, MD: A Brief Video Biography
12/26/09 06:08 PM
This video is a brief biography of my father, shown at the Lifetime Achievement Award Dinner given by the Arthritis Foundation on May 4, 1993.