Goto considered harmful
Y-Combinator recently had an item about The History, Controversy, and Evolution of the Goto Statement [pdf]. The .pdf considers the "right" way to implement code that computes the average of integers read from the standard input, where the value 99999 is used to denote end-of-input. Code written in C is presented on page 10 and is offered as a good solution. It avoids an explicit goto by using a break statement but, in so doing, misses the forest for the trees. It entangles obtaining data with processing the data and this is almost always a bad idea. But C makes it hard to write better code because C doesn't have built-in support for lists. The following Lisp code separates concerns, promotes code reuse, and the only explicit loop construct is the recursive call by read-input to collect data up to the end-of-data sentinel. C needs constructs like for, break, and continue because it's weak on data structures and memory management. It's also a strongly typed language: variables have types and types have values. In Lisp, however, variables have values and values have types which makes it easier to write generic code.
(defun read-input (&optional (result nil))
(let ((value (read)))
(if (equalp value 99999)
(reverse result)
(read-input (cons value result)))))
(defun average (numbers)
(let ((n (length numbers)))
(if (zerop n)
(/ (reduce #'+ numbers) n))))
(defun main ()
(let ((avg (average (read-input))))
(if avg
(format t "~f~%" (float avg))
(format t "no numbers input. average undefined.~%"))))
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