2022 Reading List

1Space ChantyR. A. Lafferty
2The Witches of KarresJames H. Schmitz
3The Wizard of KarresM. Lackey, E. Flint, D. Freer
4The Sorceress of KarresE. Flint, D. Freer
5The Shaman of KarresE. Flint, D. Freer
6The Idea of Israel in Second Temple JudaismJason Staples
7Do Android's Dream of Electric SheepPhilip K. Dick
8Miami BluesCharles Willeford
9New Hope for the DeadCharles Willeford
10SideswipeCharles Willeford
11The Way We Die NowCharles Willeford
12The HobbitJ. R. R. Tolkien
13The Burnt Orange HeresyCharles Willeford
14A Canticle for LeibowitzWalter M. Miller, Jr.
15Gospel CoachScott Thomas & Tom Wood
16SolarisStanislaw Lem
17Not All Who Wander (Spiritually) Are LostTraci Rhoades
18The Mountain of SilenceKyriacos C. Markides
19He Is There And He Is Not SilentFrancis A. Schaeffer
20The Region BetweenHarlan Ellison
21True SpiritualityFrancis A. Schaeffer
22The Orville: Sympathy for the DevilSeth MacFarlane
23The Word for World is ForestUrsula K. Le Guin
24Believing PhilosophyDolores G. Morris
25The Epic of EdenSandra L. Richter
26Five Ways to ForgivenessUrsula K. Le Guin
26The Westminster AssemblyRobert Letham
27Old Testament Theology in a Canonical ContextBrevard S. Childs
28The Year's Best Science Fiction, First Annual CollectionGardner Dozois
29The Martian ChroniclesRay Bradbury
30What Did The Cross Accomplish?S. Gathercole, R. B. Stewart, N. T. Wright
31Howard Who?Howard Waldrop

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