Morality in a Fantasy Novel

There wasn't a thinking being alive who deep down didn't feel fundamentally flawed.
This, of course, is one way McCarthy's third design requirement can manifest itself.
In Something M.Y.T.H. Inc., on page 27, another character explains morality in terms of the iterated prisoner's dilemma, even though he likely never took a course in game theory:
"What I mean is, when you're a soldier, you don't have to worry much about how popular you are with the enemy, 'cause mostly you're tryin' to make him dead and you don't expect him to like it. It's different doin' collection work, whether it's protection money or taxes, which is of course just another kind of protection racket. Ya gotta be more diplomatic 'cause you're gonna have to deal with the same people over and over again."
For another example of art revealing life, see the post The Telling.
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